Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Journal #6: Ten Reaons to Get Rid of Homework

In the article, Ten Reasons to Get Rid of Homework (and five alternatives) by John T. Spencer, the author discusses his beliefs about homework, and how it might not be the most effective way to incorporate learning outside of the classroom.  In the article he talks about how all students are busy outside of school, the inequitable home-life situations students face, homework de-motivates creativity and further research, etc. One of his strongest points against homework was that "homework teaches bad work habits" (Spencer). This quote is very true because it instills dependency on a teacher to assign further research on a topic.  Students will do work because "they have to, rather than need to" and that is an issue (Spencer). We want students to want to research and find their own interest in education, not force them to take an interest in a topic. Students need to have "ownership of learning" and make learning their own. But, homework has the ability to kill independent research because homework is time consuming and is anything but independent. At the end of Spencer's article he states five alternative things to do instead of homework. He states that learning can happen freely and naturally at home, so teachers should give their students enough time to do so. Next, he states that teachers should inspire authentic learning, as well as letting student do what they are interested in. Lastly, he suggest that students partake in extracurricular activities.

5 Alternatives to Homework:
1. Incorporate more projects and open assignments where students can choose their own topic to research and discuss. Homework is often seen as busy work, but independent, open-ended topics and projects can stimulate creativity and independence.
2. Incorporate take home journals in one's curriculum. This allows for students to reflect on in-class discussions and ideas without influence. Also allows students a free place to express their feelings without the fear of being judged.
3. Incorporating interactive assignments that allow students to go out into the community and research or observe performances, events, etc. This allows students to incorporate class topics into creative community events.
4. Teachers can allow students to create online blogs that incorporate in class discussions and topics into a free formed assignment.
5. Teachers can allow their students to research a topic of interest and let them teach the class.

5 Reasons we need Homework:
1. I believe that although homework should not be seen as extra class time and a place to pawn off instruction on the parents, homework is a great place to stimulate free thinking and reflection on topics learned in class.
2. Homework allows those students who might do poor on test and quizzes make up points and excel in non-traditional ways.
3. Homework can create independence because it requires students to do assignments on their own, without a teachers assistance.
4. Homework assignments are good for those students that learn better on their own.
5. Homework can be a place for students to think, create, and test class material.

Work Cited
Spencer, J. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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